
At Expo Guadalajara, we are firmly committed to sustainability, covering various areas of action ranging from customer satisfaction to the implementation of ecological practices in our infrastructure. With this approach, we not only aim to generate high-quality and efficient events but also create a positive impact throughout the entire value chain of the meetings industry.

Sustainability Commission

It was designated in the Executive Committee session in August 2023

Its objective is to follow up on the established roadmap with the vision of the Executive Committee, as well as to propose solutions that help achieve a successful path in economic, environmental, and social sustainability to:

Positively impact the entire value chain.

Contribute to the sustainable development of our stakeholders.

Win more events.

Sustainability Policy

We are committed to maximizing the sustainability of Expo Guadalajara through customer satisfaction, generating our own events, efficient infrastructure, and sustainable practices that positively impact the entire value chain.

Learn about the 2023 - 2024 Sustainability Report

Agreement Signing:

Collaboration and PCAV

On April 23, 2024, two agreements were signed between the Jalisco Secretariat of Environment and Territorial Development and Expo Guadalajara:

The Collaboration Agreement aims to jointly establish criteria that certify an event meets sustainability standards. SEMADET, after a review, will grant recognition to events held at the venue that meet these criteria.

In addition, the Voluntary Environmental Compliance Program, “Programa de Cumplimiento Ambiental Voluntario” (PCAV) was signed, and it aims to fulfill legal and environmental obligations, with the commitment to reduce environmental impact.


ISO 9001:2015
Earth Check
Empresa Socialmente Responsable
Distintivo H
Jalisco Lactancia Responsable
Jalisco Responsable
Alianza Empresarial por el Clima